U-Pick Flowers
Every Saturday and Sunday from Mid June to Mid September

How it works
Show up and purchase an entry fee, 1 bucket for $30 or 2 buckets for $50
We will provide you clippers and flower bucket
Walk the flower fields and harvest your bucket of flowers.
After you arrange your flowers we will wrap them for you!
What's growing?
These are some of the species of flowers we have planted this year....
Statice, Yarrow, Snapdragon, Calendula, Safflower, Craspedia, Valkyrie, Celosia, Rudbeckia, Cosmos, Zinnias, Didiscus, Gomphrena, Scabiosa, Strawflower, Sunflowers
In addition, we will have some pre-cut wild species for you to mix in with your harvest to make the most gorgeous bouquet!

Bring your family!
Harvesting your own flowers is not only fun but very eductaional. See what plants your flowers come from and whose pollinating them!